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Register Now For 2019 North American Millers' Association Annual Meeting ... Oct. 17-20 ... Colorado Springs, CO 8/01 Read more

Ardent Mills Signs 25-Year Energy Partnership With US Solar 8/20 Read more

North Dakota Mill and Elevator Reports Fiscal Year 2019 Profits of $10.6 Million; Down From $14.2 Million in Fiscal Year 2018 8/29 Read more

Plains Grains, Inc. Harvest Summary For Hard Red Winter Wheat: Aug. 23 8/23 Read more

Plains Grains, Inc. Harvest Summary For Hard Red Winter Wheat: Aug. 30 8/30 Read more

U.S. Wheat Associates Harvest Report: Aug. 30 8/30 Read more

U.S. Wheat Industry Waits For Additional Details of Trade Deal With Japan 8/27 Read more

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Perdue Issues Statement Following Trade Agreement Between U.S. and Japan 8/26 Read more

U.S. Wheat Associates and National Association of Wheat Growers Commend U.S.-Japan Trade Deal 8/26 Read more





Published Twice a Month
by Milling Journal
Editor Kendall Trump
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Northwestern U.S. Farmers Completing Wheat Harvest as Market Prices Continue to Suffer 8/23 Read more

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Data Shows Increased Wheat Production Estimate For 2019-20 8/23 Read more

Buhler and K-State University Flowsheet Technology Course ... Nov. 11-15 ... Manhattan, KS 8/20 Read more

IAOM and K-State University Basic Milling Principles Course ... Oct. 7-11 ... Manhattan, KS 8/20 Read more

IAOM and K-State University Flour and Dough Analysis Course ... Sept. 10-12 ... Manhattan, KS 8/20 Read more

K-State University and IAOM Held Introduction to Flour Milling Course in Manhattan, KS 8/19 Read more

K-State University Wheat Specialist Lollato Says It Is Time to Manage Wheat 8/19 Read more


    Read 2Q 2019 Milling Journal




SD Winter and Spring Wheat Harvests Lag Behind Normal Schedule 8/26 Read more

SD 2019 Winter and Spring Wheat Harvests Behind Schedule 8/23 Read more

MT Sen. Tester Invites President Trump to Meet With Wheat Producers Following Comments About Trade Deals With Japan 8/23 Read more

MT Wheat Growers Applaud Announcement of Trade Deal With Japan 8/27 Read more

MT Winter Wheat Harvest Begins at Slower Pace Than 2018 8/20 Read more

WA Wheat Sector Would See Significant Changes if Dam Removal Plan Proceeds 8/19 Read more

WA Wheat Farmers Selling Crops For Below Production Cost 8/19 Read more

Canadian Wheat Exports Forecast to Remain Steady Through 2019-2020 Despite Black Competition 8/26 Read more

UK Wheat Harvest Delayed by Wet Weather Conditions 8/20 Read more

Germany to See Larger Wheat Harvest Despite Early Summer Heatwave 9/03 Read more


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French Farmer Purchases Wheat Montana Farm in Three Forks, MT 9/04 Read more

France Loads Wheat Cargo Ship For Shipment to China 8/20 Read more

Brazil Expected to Introduce Tariff-Free Wheat Import Quota of 750,000 Tons Per Year Beginning in 2020 9/04 Read more

Drought Conditions Continue to Hurt Australian Wheat While Helping Black Sea Wheat Suppliers 9/04 Read more

Interflour to Receive $42.9 Million Loan From CBH Group After Failing to Meet Performance Expectations 8/27 Read more

Egypt's Minister of Agriculture Reports Grain Imports From Russia Carefully Examined 8/19 Read more

Turkey State Grain Board Issues Tender to Purchase 250,000 Tons of Wheat 8/26 Read more

Japan Ministry of Agriculture Purchases 110,057 Tons of Food-Quality Wheat From U.S. and Canada 8/23 Read more


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Milling Journal 3Q 2019 Articles

Automating The Sampling Process ... Enhanced Sampling Techniques Build Confidence in Generating Meaningful Test Results 9/05 Read more

Milling Technician Certificate Program ... IAOM and Cowley College Partnership Continues to Evolve As It Enters Year Four 9/05 Read more

2019-20 IAOM Officers/Directors 9/05 Read more

Why I Believe In: IAOM 9/05 Read more

An Update on NAMA's Efforts ... The Food Safety Modernization Act Continues to Demand The Most Attention 9/05 Read more

The Mennel Milling Company Adds a Hard Wheat Mill ... Milling Company Opts For an All-Steel Addition For Its 10,000-cwt. D-Mill 9/05 Read more


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Milling Journal is a quarterly magazine for the flour milling industry 
published in Decatur, IL - 800-728-7511 |
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